Season 1
Episode 12
Run Time: 32 min 18 sec
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Season 1
Episode 12
Run Time: 32 min 18 sec
“God’s never going to give you more than you can handle” – it is really easy to look at punchy one-liners like this one on social media and take them as the whole truth. But do you measure them against God’s word before you take them as the whole truth? The Spirit calls us to use The Word as a measuring stick for truth. He is our guide and gives us wisdom as we walk through life.
The Spirit is meant to bring clarity to us and teach us. All throughout scripture, the Spirit clarifies who Jesus is and points back to the truth (the Son and the Father) teaching us how to be more like Him.
Colossians 3 says to put on attributes like kindness, compassion, patience, gentleness, and more). It is not easy to do everyday, but it is a choice we make everyday day. And if we practice it enough it becomes a habit. By surrendering to the Spirit’s work in us, He will enable us to walk in those attributes, lean into His wisdom, and walk in His Spirit.
The Spirit produces the fruit in us but that takes time. The more time you spend with the Spirit, the more you are nourished and grow. When we get frustrated that we don’t feel we are growing it is easy to be discouraged and bow out. But God is still at work within you. Don’t lose hope. He is developing the fruit in you. Be patient with yourself; He is patient with you.
In this episode, you will hear Candace and Tara-Leigh discuss:
Scripture Memory of the Season:
1 John 5:1-4 (CSB) Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of him. This is how we know that we love God’s children; when we love God and obey His commands. For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands. And his commands are not a burden, because everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.